Heroes and Role Models

Sports figures are many times referred to in the media as “heroes”. But more often than not these days, we hear about professional athletes taking drugs, beating their wives, committing violent crimes, abusing animals, and so on. Many people condemn their boorish public behavior and say they are failing as role models for our children.

Excuse me? We are the ones failing our kids if we call sports figures “heroes” and expect them to be children's role models. As far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing particularly heroic about having superior athletic abilities. We need to remember that professional athletes are nothing more than adults being paid astronomical amounts of money to play kids’ games.

The real heroes for children to look up to are fire fighters, teachers, nurses, police officers, doctors, and many others, including their own parents and grandparents.

People should just enjoy watching sports figures as we do other types of entertainers — for that is exactly what they are — but they don’t need to look any further than their own communities for worthy role models for their kids.

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~ by libertine58 on September 30, 2008.

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